Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. When thinking about cardiovascular health something that can be overlooked is the condition of the blood vessel wall. All ~100,000km of blood vessels – including veins, arteries and microcapillaries, are lined with an intelligent barrier called the endothelial glycocalyx. 

The following media showcases some of ways to support cardiovascular health by supporting the endothelial glycocalyx, nitric oxide production and other methods.

Featured Cardiovascular Support Webinars

Latest Blogs on Cardiovascular Support

Boost Your Longevity: Maintain Blood Pressure Effectively


Our vascular system is the literal lifeblood of every organ and system in the body. Healthy blood flow is essential for all organs, systems and cells to function; however, we rarely think about it until there is a problem. Most of us are aware of arterial blood pressure and may recall our last blood pressure reading. However, many of the patients I’ve seen don’t completely understand the critical importance for our overall health and wellbeing.

Salt sensitivity genes and blood pressure: An Expert Series


A high salt intake has been associated with increased blood pressure and poor heart health.

However, not everyone responds to salt in the same way. Some people can consume a high salt diet and they will not develop high blood pressure.

Learn more in this insightful article written by Dr Denise Furness.

Sleep and Heart Health


It’s easy to feel the importance of sleep to our ability to concentrate, function, and interact with others normally during the day. Less observable, however, is the link between sleep and heart health. Irregular or insufficient sleep increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

3 Ingredients to Support Cardiovascular Health


While cardiovascular wellness is dependent on so many different factors, making healthy adjustments to modifiable risk factors (things you can change) like diet and exercise can go a long way in helping to keep your heart healthy.

You can take the benefits even further with unique ingredients that work with your body to optimize your heart health and support overall wellness.

Cardiovascular Support Covered

FxMed has a range of products specifically designed to support cardiovascular health. We recommend checking out the Cardiovascular Support section in the Top Products List for top formulations.

To do a deeper dive into these products, datasheets can be searched within the Resources section on the Practitioner Hub.