HPA Axis Stress Controversies, Conundrums and Opportunities

In this 80 minute webinar, Dr Thomas Guilliams explores the function of the HPA Axis and explains how stress can hijack the adrenals, compromise the efficiency of metabolic processes, and leave us vulnerable to chronic disease.
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Understanding how the stress response works and adapts to stressors over time is really the key to forming a comprehensive strategy to build resilience against the consequences caused by stressors. This is the foundation needed to understand how to interpret tests that are designed to assess HPA Axis function. It is also imperative for clinicians to understand the HPA Axis is much more than just a regulator of “stress” responses.

The HPA axis is one of the most important regulators of normal function, most especially resource management and circadian synchronicity. Join the DUTCH team as we invite guest presenter, Dr Thomas Guilliams to present a webinar exploring the function of the HPA Axis and understanding how stress can hijack the adrenals, compromise the efficiency of metabolic processes, and leave us vulnerable to chronic disease.

This complimentary DUTCH webinar will:

  • Expand on the role of the HPA axis in metabolic and circadian signalling
  • Discuss how “Adrenal Fatigue” incorrectly frames HPA axis dysfunction by reviewing how stressors control brain function.
  • Present an argument against the notion of “pregnenolone steal” as an explanation for low DHEA (or other hormones) in stressed individuals

Overview a valuable resource for understanding the HPA axis and therapeutic options for stress management.

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