Gillian Bertram

Gillian Bertram

Gillian is a Registered Nutritional Therapist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Integrative Health Coach, and a survivor of Grade 3 brain cancer. Thanks to her own personal experience with cancer, Gillian is passionate about supporting people who wish to integrate complementary diet and lifestyle changes and therapies alongside standard cancer care.

After four years of study at The Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London, and apprenticeships with integrative medical doctors, Gillian founded The Bertram Clinic of Nutrition. Gillian takes an integrative approach to heal from cancer, pulling together therapeutic nutrition and lifestyle medicine to support the body’s innate intelligence in restoring health.

The core of Gillian’s approach aims to remove risk factors that contribute to cancer development and to create an inhospitable internal environment for cancer to develop.

Courses by Gillian Bertram