Dr Laura Neville, ND

Dr Laura Neville

Dr Neville is the Creator of Energy Explosion, Speaker, Writer, and Medical Consultant. She sees patients locally in Portland OR and worldwide virtually.

Her love for alternative medicine began as she awoke from the haze of her less-than-healthy childhood, filled with Pepsi Clear and Cool Ranch Doritos, to realize the wonders of whole food, yoga and a good night’s sleep. From that point on, there was no turning back.

She credits her father, who was gifted with an intuition towards natural health, for subconsciously planting the seed, even though, at the time, she ignored his words of wisdom. “If I were you I wouldn’t touch diet soda with a ten-foot pole”, “How about you forgo the nail polish?”, “I don’t trust margarine”. She rolled her eyes at his parenting advice, later admitting to him that he had been right all along.

Ballet dancing and competitive gymnastics, leading her to a California state balance beam championship title, allowed her to more fully develop her inherent sense of discipline and put her self-proclaimed stubborn nature to good use, which she now uses to challenge her patients to new levels of health and well being.

Dr Neville’s undergraduate studies in Exercise Science took place at the University of California, Davis. Additionally, she has a background in massage therapy and graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

Outside of the clinic, you will find her painting, practicing yoga, working on DIY projects and cleaning (her favourite hobby of all) She is proud to be part of a field of unique practitioners who have such passion for what they do!

Courses by Dr Laura Neville, ND