Dr Julia Malkowski

Dr Julia Malkowski

Dr Malkowski began her health journey as a mom. As a young single mom, her son had a rash that the pediatrician could not address. Already eating healthy at the time, Dr. Julia was interested in natural ways of caring for her child, which led her to see a Naturopathic Doctor. With one look the ND diagnosed the rash as a dairy sensitivity and within two weeks both mom and baby were returned to health. This one experience inspired Dr Malkowski to become a Naturopathic Doctor.

Dr  Malkowski graduated with a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in December 2017 and a doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine from National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) in April 2016. Dr Malkowski successfully completed an internship at the primary care integrative medicine clinic at NUHS. The internship focused on drug-free and surgery-free approaches to improving health conditions.

During this time, Dr Malkowski also completed Motion Palpation Institute’s, The Masters Series: Full Spine Analysis and Adjustive Technique, attended the Biomedical Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders Seminar, additional training in Fundamentals of Functional Blood Chemistry, Mastering Brain Chemistry and completed 100 hours in functional neurology applied to childhood neurobehavioral disorders.