Dr Jian Guan

Dr Jian Guan

Dr Jian Guan completed her Bachelor of Medicine in China in 1982. After 8 years of practice as a Paediatrician she obtained a PhD in Paediatrics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1996. Through more than 30 years of research at the University of Auckland, she has pioneered pharmaceutical and nutraceutical development for improving brain function.

Currently an Honorary Associate Professor affiliated with the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences (University of Auckland), Jian is also the Chief Scientist of The cGP Lab Ltd. With a clinical background, her research has been largely focused on the pharmaceutical developments of IGF-1 derived small peptides for neurological conditions. The research outcome led to the FDA approval for treating developmental neurological conditions. The discovery of natural cGP, an IGF-1 derived small peptide from foods, led to nutraceutical development of an oral cGP supplement for supporting brain health and function. Her most recent work seeks to understand systemic small vessel diseases, for example the complications of type-2 diabetes.

Jian has published 80 papers (H-index 34), is an inventor of 13 published patents and has broad national and international collaboration.