Dr Chris Turnpaugh

Dr Chris Turnpaugh

Dr Chris Turnpaugh is a skilled practitioner whose primary focus is on finding and addressing the root cause of disease. He graduated from Life College of Chiropractic and received his post-doctorate in functional neurology. His interest in functional medicine began with the intent on helping a current patient who was looking to address his whole health picture after an ALS diagnosis. He attended a seminar in 1995 given by Dr Jeffrey Bland, the father of functional medicine, and he was hooked. That began his career in root cause medicine.

His passion for functional medicine led him to open the Turnpaugh Health and Wellness Center in 1999. He enjoys the overall care team approach and loves sharing knowledge with the team, patients and other providers. He has extensive experience in supporting patients who are dealing with the most difficult, chronic, autoimmune and neurological health conditions. He has a vast history of personal experience and consequently supporting Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions, Fragile X Syndrome and pediatric neurological conditions, thyroid disease, hormonal conditions and more.