Dr Al Danenberg

Dr Al Danenberg

Dr Al Danenberg is a periodontist and was in private practice for 44 years. He incorporated ancestral nutrition & lifestyle with his leading-edge laser protocol to treat periodontal disease. He is retired from the active practice of treating individual patients, although still consults with patients all over the world virtually.

Dr Al Danenberg received advanced training in evolutionary nutrition from the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health as well as The Center for Mind-Body Medicine. He is a Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) as well as Certified Primal Health Coach and “ADAPT Trained Health Professional”. Dr Danenberg also authored the book, “Crazy-Good Living”, which is based on ancestral nutrition and lifestyle. Additionally, he created the Certification Course offered by the IABDM, which offers the designation, Certified Biological Nutritional Dental Professional – the first certification of its kind.

Courses by Dr Al Danenberg