Christopher Motley

Christopher Motley


Dr Christopher Motley specialises in functional wellness, frequency medicine, clinical kinesiology, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been in full-time practice for over 15 years and works with patients from around the world. His practice focuses on helping individuals with Lyme disease, liver methylation, parasites, SIBO, viral infection, hormones, fertility, and emotions related to these conditions.

He studied Austin Peay State University in 1997, and majored in Biology with a minor emphasis on physics and chemistry. Upon completing an undergraduate Biology degree, he attended Logan University in Chesterfield Missouri in 2001. There he received an additional Bachelors in Human Biology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic.

Dr Motley concentrates in Chinese Medicine, kinesiology, biofeedback, functional medicine, and acupuncture as the basis for his practice. He is certified in acupuncture, a diplomats of acupuncture, applied kinesiology, clinical kinesiology, and holistic methylation therapy.