Featured Men's Health Webinars

To maintain momentum from Men’s Health Week we’re encouraging ongoing learning to help engage more men in preventative health & wellbeing strategies!

To aid you in this endeavour, this month we’re showcasing webinars from FxLearn that you may find beneficial for supporting male clients in clinic.

Presenter Bites

Comprehensive Hormone Health for Men

“Testosterone, whether it’s endogenous or exogenous, directly inhibits gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone which then leads to a downregulation of testosterone production.”

–  Dr Heather Hydzik

Men’s Health and the DUTCH Test®

“Because of the dried urine aspect of the DUTCH Test, we can collect not only the hormones themselves but also the metabolites, such as estrogen metabolism, androgen metabolism, cortisol metabolites… “

–  Dr Carrie Jones

The Role of Nitric Oxide in the Management of Hypertension, Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease

“The most important vasodilator and perhaps the most important vasodilator produced by the endothelium is Nitric Oxide.”

–  Dr Nathan Bryan

Latest Blogs on Supporting Men's Health

3 Ingredients to Support Cardiovascular Health

CVD Blog Image

While cardiovascular wellness is dependent on so many different factors, making healthy adjustments to modifiable risk factors (things you can change) like diet and exercise can go a long way in helping to keep your heart healthy.

This blog post will discuss these three ingredients—magnesium, l-arginine, and garlic—and the reasons why they are so helpful for healthy cardiovascular function.

Menopause for Men: Meaning of low Estrogen

Menopause for Men (2)

You’ve likely heard about declining testosterone (low T) in men as they age. This creates a host of symptoms and is definitely a problem, estrogen can be just as important when it comes to hormone balance as a man ages.

Researchers have discovered that just as women go through menopause due to a dramatic decrease in estrogen products, middle-aged men also undergo estrogen-related changes in body composition and sexual function. Read this blog post for more on this.

Preconception Nutrition for Women and Men


It’s not uncommon to consider the importance of your diet once you or your partner is pregnant, but what about before? Optimizing the health of both partners, along with consulting your physicians, can set the stage for a healthy pregnancy.

The months leading up to pregnancy are considered a “critical period” to ensure healthy nutrient stores that optimize health before, during, and after pregnancy.  More on optimising health prior to conception inside.