The Cortisol Awakening Response and Thymocyte Selection: An Unlikely Duo in Reducing Autoimmunity

In this 85 minute webinar, Dr Carrie Jones will explain the importance of understanding the cortisol awakening response. Case studies and treatment plans will also be discussed.
Price: FREE
1 Lesson

An under or overproduction of the CAR can lead to a great number of symptoms including morning fatigue, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, inflammation, and an increase in autoimmunity. If the patient cannot get their cortisol awakening response right, how do they expect to get the rest of their HPA axis response right in their day?

This lecture will explain the importance of understanding the cortisol awakening response and its effects on morning symptoms especially in relation to T-cells undergoing differentiation in the thymus gland. Case examples of normal, over and under CAR responses will be discussed including targeted treatment options for practitioners to immediately begin implementing with their patients.

This webinar will:

  1. Help practitioners understand what the cortisol awakening response is, how it relates to autoimmunity, and how to easily address it
  2. Review the process the HPA axis goes through to elicit the CAR response
  3. Show the importance of a dysfunctional CAR and how that relates to symptoms including fatigue, inflammation, memory, and autoimmunity
  4. Discuss case examples and treatment options for under or over-performing CAR responses