Sleep and Cortisol: Beyond the Diurnal Rhythm

In this 60-minute webinar, Dr Alison Smith presents on adrenal and HPA axis function beyond free cortisol’s diurnal rhythm to help you understand how this impacts sleep.
Price: FREE
1 Lesson

Insomnia affects approximately 30% of American adults. When patients present with sleep complaints, it’s a common practice in functional medicine to test free cortisol to ascertain the degree of impact poor sleep has on the stress system. Free cortisol measurements only reflect the cortisol in circulation and do not speak to a patient’s cortisol production. 

Did you know there are other cortisol markers that can take that assessment one step further? In this 60-minute webinar, Dr Alison Smith presents on adrenal and HPA axis function beyond free cortisol’s diurnal rhythm to help you understand how this impacts sleep.

Presented 2023

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