Foundational Lecture Series: Functional Endocrinology Laboratory Testing

In this 80 minute webinar, Dr Mark Newman explains the basics of hormone laboratory testing, illustrates the utility of serum, saliva and urine for hormone laboratory testing and differentiates between laboratory methods and instrumentation utilised for hormone laboratory testing.
Price: FREE
1 Lesson

The question of how to best test hormones is what drove the creative process that initiated the DUTCH Test®. Blood (serum), urine, and salivary testing all have a place within a clinician’s practice.  

Precision Analytical’s unique testing methods bridge the gap between existing methods to create better tools for healthcare providers to address the needs of their patients.

Join Precision Analytical Founder and President, Mark Newman, as he provides a basic overview of Functional Endocrinology Laboratory Testing.

Key points of this complimentary webinar include:

  • Explaining the basics of hormone laboratory testing
  • Illustrating the utility of serum, saliva and urine for hormone laboratory testing
  • Differentiating between laboratory methods and instrumentation utilised for hormone laboratory testing