Cardio Elite for Advanced NO and Vascular Support

This 90-minute webinar discuss how to effectively rebuild vascular health and stability.
Price: FREE
1 Lesson

Well-regulated blood pressure, nitric oxide sufficiency, a resilient vasculature, and robust blood circulation is core to a healthy cardiovascular system. And in today’s world, the threats to cardiovascular function go beyond a sedentary lifestyle. Toxins, viral activity, and hormone decline have a powerful impact on the circulatory system and how it functions. and we are navigating multiple threats to cardio health including cardiotoxicity and viral activity and helps improve the delivery of nutrients to cells and tissues, enhances tissue oxygenation, and may support cognition, sexual function, and exercise performance.

The health and function of the cardiovascular system has always been a key indicator of overall patient health and now more than ever, there are multiple threats to this system of  has always been an important aspect of Environmental toxins profoundly impair the cardiovascular system through several mechanisms including lowering NO, inducing endothelial dysfunction, and dysregulating the immune system.

In this lecture, Dr Shade explains the importance of proper detoxification to address cardiotoxicity and how to effectively rebuild vascular health and stability using EDTA, nitric oxide substrates, rhamnan sulfate, cardio tonic herbs, and advanced liposomal delivery technology for fast and measurable effects.